Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Truth (but you won't like it)

OK, I know. Thousands of gurus, avatars, prophets, academics and regular people have offered their version of the meaning of life, the answer to the universe, our reason for being and so on. It’s like the old saying, “Opinions are like assholes, everyone’s got one.” But this is really it. I mean it. And when you read it, you will agree for about a half second. Then you will reject it because it doesn’t fit your comfortable little take on things. So here goes:

In his seminal book, The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins, the author discusses that the prime directive of all life in the form of genes, those little amazing blueprints for all life, is to replicate themselves. That’s it. They are driven to reproduce themselves and will, by trial and error, find the best way to do so.
If that means that the best way to do this is in the form of pond scum, then fine. Pond scum has been very successful. If giant cactuses work, then good. And if a good way to continue the scheme is by way of bipedal hominoids that walk upright, discussing important plays, building models of the sphinx out of toothpicks and passing bad tax laws, then let’s go with that. Whatever moves the game along.

But in the glaring light of reality, after we have reproduced a few times and then finished with that phase, we are done.
Now, if the whole point of our existence is reproduction, and we have finished that by one method or another, choosing not to create more offspring , we are then basically useless. In other words, if you are not humping and making more babies, you are just using up space, air, water and food.
And please, if your children have left the nest, don’t tell me that they or even your grandchildren need you. They don’t.
So all of these things we do like impressing others with your wit or concerning yourself with upcoming elections or picking out just the right pair of socks, etc., etc., etc. are actually just filling in the blanks until you finally die and get out of the way. You are just useless protoplasm wasting everybody’s time and energy.
Have a nice day.


At 10:13 AM, Blogger Chicken said...

That's Ms. Protoplasm to you.

At 9:37 PM, Blogger ... said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At 9:38 PM, Blogger ... said...

It seems I can't spell....the comment was supposed to read, "Brutal, but probably true."

Now that is better...see what OCD can do for you? Ha ha


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