Weapons of Mass Destruction, Part Deaux
Ok, so after the Dems achieved a small victory last election, I was burned out, politically speaking. I found it hard to talk at any length about Bush the Lessor.
But it is now time, I'm afraid, like a bad piece of pork, to bring him back up.
Being an old hippy, I have special powers; I can feel the vibes, man. And here's what I'm picking up.
Bush and company are getting ready to hit Iran; possibly as soon as April or March. I'm even getting atomic vibes. That is to say, they may use a small, tactical nucular device. But before they do this, they must first soften up the American dumb shits, oh, I'm sorry, I meant people. Watch the news for a barage of reports about the Evil Iran and how they need to be stopped.
Now, a few years ago I wouldn't have stuck my neck out like this but this crew has turned out far more sinister I could have imagined. I'm now convinced they would do anything, including cessation of elections and martial law.
Everything runs in cycles of course and this could've only happened because several cycles crossed the same path at the same time; a certain over-comfort of the Americans, the election of this puppet president, the gathering of this crew; Rumsfeld, Rove, Wolfowitz and Cheney, the election of a compliant Republican congress and the 9/11 attacks acting as a catalyst. A similar event took place in Germany in the early thirties.
I'm afraid now that our world may actually get worse. If I am totally wrong on this, I will welcome the verbal abuse.