Monday, June 23, 2008

Thanks George

George Carlin died yesterday. I'm sorry to see him go. There are so few people calling bullshit and doing it so well and making you laugh your ass off at the same time. And, like any good curmudgeon, he eventually pissed off everybody. Even me, and I'm a huge fan.
He did a bit once that cracked me up; he said that anybody that got a Japanese kanji symbol tattoo was an idiot. "You don't any idea what they are putting on you", he insisted. "You might think it means 'peace' and it could say 'broccoli with beef'."

After a while I got a great idea. I would get a kanji symbol tattoo that said 'broccoli with beef', take a photo of it and send it to him by way of his management company and give him thanks for the idea. I bet that would make him laugh out loud.
However, I could never repay him for all the many times he made me laugh out loud.
Thanks George.


At 5:37 PM, Blogger ... said...

I am so sorry to see him go. I wonder if he was having heart issues for a while. I need to get a few of his DVDs....I love comedians that buck the system and he was the king of it.


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