Thursday, November 29, 2007

Man's Dumbest Friend

For a long time I came home from work just after the national news began. Our dog, Mickey, would see me coming home through the window just as the theme music was playing. When I came in he would bark and run around just thrilled to see me. After a while that music became my own personal theme.
Recently my schedule changed and I came home a little earlier so that when the news came on I would be sitting there watching it. When the music came up, Mickey would jump up next to me to look out the window to see if I was coming home. I would look at him from a foot away and say, "I'm right here! Are you like the dumbest shit in the world or what?" He would look at me briefly like I should leave him alone because I would be coming home soon. Dogs don't get sarcasm. (cats not only get sarcasm, they excude it)
So I tried an experiment. When the music began, I stepped outside, stood there for about five seconds and then came back in. Of course he went wild. I was afraid he might piss himself. He jumped around the room in ecstasy as if I was gone for weeks.
Oh well. At least it's good to know someone really misses you, even if you are only gone for a few minutes.