Monday, September 26, 2005

Ecce Homo (The Christians are right, you know)

The Christians are right, you know. The Bible does denounce homosexuality as a sin. It’s right there in Leviticus. Two places in fact; Lev. 18:22 and 20:13. No doubt about it; it’s a sin. Of course, if you look hard you’ll find one hundred and forty references to adultery.
So let’s see; that’s two against homosexuality and 140 against adultery. Seems a bit lopsided don’t you think. The wretched sin of sleeping with your same sex barely registers next to cheating on your wife. Shouldn’t we be railing publicly against all those adulterers and denying them “special” rights like family status or even the ability to marry again?

In fact, homosexuality didn’t even make it to the top-ten list. It even got beat out by bearing false witness, honoring thy father and mother and of course, adultery.
So it would seem that the Christian fundamentalist’s rampant fear and loathing of homosexuals is a problem more personal than Biblical. It makes you wonder why it bothers the fundamentalists so much. Me thinks thou doest protest too much.

Now, while we’re in Leviticus, let’s talk about some of the other Jewish Holy Laws. If we are to be very serious about following God’s commandments, we should not forget Lev.1:9 which gives us advice on the proper sacrificing of a bull. Let’s also keep in mind that we may keep slaves, Lev. 25:44, but only if purchased from neighboring nations. So I guess we are limited to Mexican or Canadian slaves. Don’t forget that eating shellfish is an abomination on the same level as homosexuality, Lev. 11:10. We may not approach the altar of God if we have a defect in our sight, Lev. 21:20 and trimming our hair around the temples is expressly forbidden by Lev.19:27
Elsewhere, Exodus 21:7 sanctions the selling of your daughter into slavery and the stoning of your neighbor if he insists on working on the Sabbath, Exodus 35:2 which, by the way, is Saturday.
Not only has the prohibition of homosexuality been emphasized way out of proportion in terms of the Bible, it has been surgically cherry-picked from many other ancient and antiquated laws to fit the fundamentalists particular fears; fears that apparently lie very deep.


At 2:55 PM, Blogger Mary Anna said...

Hi Oman

Just happened upon your blog and found this topic rather interesting.

I am a born-again Christian, and I'd like to apologize to you on behalf of Christians for persecuting homosexuals and for committing our own acts of hypocrisy. I'm truly sorry, and I hope you do not allow Christians and our behavior to influence what you believe about Christ.

Christ came to save us all, including the adulterers, the liars, the homosexuals...I could go on forever.

True peace and salvation is given to sinners if we call upon Christ. I urge you to check it out. I'll be more than happy to talk to you about it if you like. Please email me at I hope to hear from you.

Again, I apologize for my own hypocrisy. I hope that you will forgive me and also accept the forgiveness of Christ.

At 10:33 PM, Blogger ... said...

Wow, Oman, looks like you found the right thing to do a google search from...

I once again totally agree with you that many issues that are brought to light with origins in scripture are of the "pick and choose" type.

It is amazing that all these religious documents out there are the leading cause of the hatred, bigotry, and terrorism in the world. Kind of ironic, huh?


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