And The Beat Goes On
This little adventure into Iraq is turning out just as the left-wingers said it would. Those unwashed, bearded, fellow-traveler, pinko, bleeding hearts correctly predicted the results of this disaster and the righteous, God-fearin, law abiding conservatives got it wrong. What could be more embarrassing?
During the Viet Nam war the “peaceniks” were called every name in the book including unpatriotic, unGodlike, dirty, filthy cowards that didn’t want to defend American against those North Vietnamese Communists who were surely going to sail across the Pacific Ocean to America in their fishing junks and take over the United States. In the end, we all know how that turned out.
I’m reminded of a rather famous quote that sounds oddly familiar;
“ . . . the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."
Hermann Goering, from his cell in Nuremberg before he killed himself.
As one of my gurus, Sonny Bono, said, “The beat goes on”.
I hear you...I am sick of people assuming that just because I don't agree with the war, I must not be patriotic or in support of our troops, which I am both. Generalizations never do anyone any good and name calling is even worse.
Any time anybody gives me that line about supporting the troops, my response is "Why don't we support the troops by not sending them to ill planned, unnecessary wars? I think keeping them alive is supporting them."
One of my favorite quotes, by the way.
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