And Then The Rains Came
Isn't it amazing how thrilled most of us were when the Democrats regained a certain amount of power recently? It felt as if the rains had returned after a six-year drought. But, really, it's all a matter of contrast. We have only returned some checks and balances to a republican party drunk with power. A party that chipped away at our bill of rights and constitution, invaded any country that has those suspicious A-rabs in it and spent our money like drunken sailors.
We still don't have a great amount of power in our government. I mean, having a nearly equal say in our nation's affairs is where we've been many times in the past. And often, in those situations, not much got done because of the constant tug-o-war with the conservatives.
And I will put forward that the neo-cons (as in con job) have never cared for democracy. They have often succeeded in tweaking a fair vote by numerous dirty tricks in order to scare poor people away from the polls, including phone harassment, voter booth shifting and vote tampering. (Can you say Florida, kids?). I always thought it was the pinnacle of hypocrisy for them to call liberals un-American.
Still, even though they don't seem to know it yet, Bush and Company have at least been slowed down a bit. Maybe, just maybe, the drought is over. We can use the rain.
I am happy to see some leveling of the playing field that is for sure.
While the tug of war is tiresome at times, I think it is healthier for our country and those we are intent on forcing our opinions on when we have some checks and balances in place.
It is about time the Dems got some representation back, now let's see if some good can be done.
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