Mountains of Nonsense
In this world there are thinkers and there are believers. It is actually more of a blend than a hard line but for the sake of discussion I will divide the two. The thinkers see the world in a multitude of colors with infinite shades of gray.
The believer is bewildered by this cacophony of variations and, driven by fear, feels the need to simplify it; to crank the resolution down and the contrast up so that the end result is as few shades of gray as possible, graphically speaking. Black and white is preferred. If everything, including political, ethical and religious ideas, are simply either/or, good and evil, then it is easy to put yourself on the “right” side and defend the good against the evil. One feels finally secure; even righteous.
After all, the world of blurred meanings and fuzzy implications is a difficult world to navigate. You must constantly be evaluating information and assigning values to it on a minute by minute basis. And if you arrive at any kind of definite opinion about it, that may change at any moment when new info comes in. Very messy. Very insecure. Very RELATIVIST.
No, the believer feels much more secure in a world that is well defined, where all values are named, numbered and placed in their appropriate pigeon holes. If this simplicity and security is purchased at the price of reality. well then, it’s a small price to pay.
On the other hand, the thinker places him or herself at the mercy of the winds. They will inevitably find themselves without clear-cut explanations and answers. They may not know for sure, the origin of the universe, the role on mankind in it, or where it’s all headed. They will not know for sure the worth of any politician, right or left, any solution to any problem, or even, if they are very skeptical, whether any of this matters.
Somehow, by their very nature, they are not terribly bothered by this and operate with the Wisdom of Insecurity, as Allan Watts put it. They seem to be able to function on a daily basis without losing their minds or their sense of humor. This does not make these thinkers necessarily correct on any given subject, but it does put them on the path.
The believer, because of intellectual laziness and fear has, by their own admission, given up on the world of reality and settled on nonsense. In fact, in the Bible, almost the first act by man in the Garden of Eden is partaking of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. The lesson being that it is against the will of their God and therefore a sin to seek knowledge. And so, bursting with pride and righteousness, they have actually raised nonsense to the level of mountains.
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