Our Father
We humans have a serious father figure problem. It permeates all aspects of our lives. It is especially evident in our religious practices. Since the decline in the worship of goddesses such as Astheroth (the origin of the word Easter) and others, all of our Gods have been male. And not just male, but father. The Lord’s Prayer begins, “Our Father who art in heaven. . .”. Worshippers are rather unabashed about their substitution of their earthly father with a “heavenly Father”.
I don’t know about you but my father was not such a hot item. In fact, he was a world class bastard. Fortunately for all of us he was gone almost from the beginning. Good riddance.
Despite that, I can still imagine the advantage and even the joy of a relationship with a loving father. However, when I see fully grown men and women on their knees pleading with their father to give them what they want or begging him not to punish them for being bad, I get just a little bit creeped out. I mean, if a person is over about 25 or 30 years old, don’t you think it’s time to begin to take control of your own life? By then, shouldn’t a person become an actual adult who succeeds or fails on his or her own terms. Furthermore, doesn’t this signify that as a species, we still haven’t grown up to the point where we quit relying on the shifting moods and capricious whims of some Daddy in the Sky who, as it turns out, answers our prayers with exactly the same reliability as if we didn’t pray at all? Who needs him? Good riddance.
I think that most that have a heavenly father do so because the idea of humans just being another species on a small planet among millions of other planets is just too scary.
I am okay with being worm food at the end and if it turns out that there is more that I didn't know about, I am confident that I have led a good enough life to get where I need to go.....
I guess that is one good thing about being agnostic....I am open to a variety of possiblities.
Amen, Mishka
My father is a pathological liar and manipulator and keeps coming around like a bad rash. I'm happy to take a hold of my own destiny than beg to some anonymous benefactor/punisher in the heavens. I agree with Mishka that most people who are very religious are just plain afraid of the big, bad world all on their own.
You said it better than I did. Thanks.
Since I'm a total Atheist I like to refer to other people's god as their "imaginary friend" because frankly prayer does me as much good as talking to my sock monkey. OK talking to my sock monkey is more interesting...
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