Friday, March 17, 2006

Yet Another Conspiracy Theory

I am not normally a conspiratorialist; that is to say, a person that readily believes every conspiracy theory that pops out of the minds of wide-eyed paranoids. However, just for fun, I have taken to imagining a grand plot that seems just possible if not a bit far-fetched.
Imagine a scenario coming together as we approach the next presidential election wherein the Neocons around Bush the Lesser see their poll numbers heading even farther south. And with the chance of a massive Democratic take-over looming in September and with their hubris growing to even greater heights, they decide that something drastic must be done.
And so, I predict by way of another actual attack on our shores by terrorists or a manufactured attack by a black ops unit hired by the NeoCons, they will announce that our country is in imminent danger and it is far too dangerous of a situation to be left in the hands of namby-pamby relativist Democrats. And so, for the safety of our citizens and institutions, approaching elections will be suspended until further notice.
Even as I write this it comes off as crazy ravings of a disgruntled lefty so I’m just throwing in out there to see if it sticks. That way if I’m wrong I can say I didn’t mean it and if I’m right I can say I told you so and proclaim myself to be a brilliant political theorist. After all that has transpired in the last 5 years, anything is possible.


At 2:42 PM, Blogger Mind Sprite said...

I don't doubt for a second that they would try this. I've had the same theory for a while myself. We'll just see how it pans out. I wonder if the Koolaid-drinking Bush heads will see the light when they basically induce a dictatorship under martial law.

At 7:04 PM, Blogger ... said...

You know, I just recently read on someone else's blog that there are those that think that 9/11 was completely done by our government to give the right side the control that they wanted....I don't believe this, but the theory is out there...

We'll have to see how things are when we get close to election time again...I didn't think he would get reelected this last time and he did so the level of stupidity in the American public has already gone way below my expectations...


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